Nikki Reviews: Soul Calibur vs. Mortal Kombat

For this specific post I will be comparing the two player portion of SoulCalibur IV to Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition. I'm reviewing these two because they were the first two fighting games I've ever played and they're pretty comparable fighters.

  • 25 total characters
  • 3D format (can move left/right/back/forward)
  • Platforms: PS3 and Xbox360
  • Melee-based attacks
  • Rated 8.75 out of 10 by Game Informer and 8.7 out of 10 by IGN 
      Mortal Kombat
  • 35 total characters (including secret characters, PlayStation exclusive, nonselectable bosses)
  • set in 2.5D format (only can move back and forth)
  • Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita and PC
  • Magic and melee-based attacks
  • Rated 9.5 out of 10 by Game Informer and 8.0 out of 10 by IGN
            Now personally, I love both of these games a lot, but I enjoy them for different reasons. Mortal Kombat, for example, has some of my favorite graphics of the two games. I really enjoy the blood that is used as it makes it a little more realistic, not to mention fatalities which just look really cool. The graphics are really nice to look at and honestly I love the creativity that went into each fatality. However, it lacks the ability to create customized characters, which is something SoulCalibur offers.
            The customization in SoulCalibur allows you to be whoever you want to be. You can use the weapons that the standard characters have or you can use Gold (gotten by through beating the game in Story Mode) and get new/better weapons. You can also customize what types of abilities your character has (such as the Nullify Ring Out ability). To get better abilities, you level up your character by using them to fight. Leveling up unlocks the better abilities such as Nullify Ring Out A rather than C which you start out with. You can also customize what armor is worn along with changing the color scheme, or unlock new and better armor with your Gold and using that instead. This allows you to make a character that matches your play style and feels best in your hands.
             SoulCalibur is really nice if you want a fighting game that isn't very dark and a bit more child friendly (not much, but it's there). It isn't super graphic, though you can end up seeing the characters in just their undergarments if their armor gets destroyed. The lack of blood and gore certainly doesn't take away from the game, and it still feels really quite fun. Mortal Kombat is really nice if you want to use a little bit of magic (or range that many, if not all, SoulCalibur characters lack) and see some really sweet looking kills. Luckily your armor cant get destroyed as armor doesn't really exist in MK. Mortal Kombat is compatible with more systems, which makes it a bit more versatile than SoulCalibur. If Mortal Kombat sounds like something you are interested in, but you don't want a game that graphic you can try Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe where you can chose from characters like the Flash or Batman. Mind you Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe did not do as well as Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition but that has to do with the fact that it was a lot more toned down for the younger audience with a teen rating (and the game-play was pretty bad too).  

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